have you ever been isolated, I mean REALLY isolated ?

People in the villages of Kyrgyzstan are in Winter.

Only a wood fire, (if wood is available) to cook and keep warm in -20C -35C winters.
Nothing grows in snow, so its important for locals to be able to grow food as much of the warmer months as possible.

Find the difference B 021Find the difference B 017

from Lyn 054

Green Houses are being developed in Kyrgyzstan, and locals are in need of this technology.
Together with our sponsors, we want to see locals building and using their own green houses.  STEMSEL (c) (from http://www.elabtronics.com)  is the solution we will use.  It is easy to use, easy to train locals with, and gets the results we need.  No need to learn high level programming, just use the icons !

How can you and I help ? Through fast tracked training with STEMSEL  technology and ezSystem’s CORECHART  option to program that technology.

Next year, I am planning to train both locals and long term expats to develop technology and use CORECHART.  Can you help to
teach local people to feed themselves ?

We have the technology, the experience and the people.  We only need parts and the finances to get there.
If you can help, with a TAX-DEDUCTABLE donation please contact Pam at finance@aussend.org.au and you will receive a receipt and she will ensure your funds get to us.  You will receive regular updates from the field as we are training.

You can be part of a bigger PICTURE !